Syu'bah: Hadith narrators "Hell for those who lie in the name of the Prophet"
In some literature, it is mentioned that the name Syu'bah is Syu'bah ibn al Hajjaj ibn al Ward al Azdiy. Born in the city of Wasith, precisely in the village of Nahrayan, Syu'bah was originally a mawla (slave) of a man named ibn ‘Atik.
He was born in 83 AH, then grew up in his city, and at one time visited Basrah. Sometimes a visit can change someone's perception, so that is the beginning of Syu'bah's interest in the study of hadith.
Critics of hadith, especially in the study of rijaalul hadith, mention many testimonies about the virtues of Syu'bah ibn al Hajjaj regarding their expertise and wisdom, especially in the field of hadith, of course. Ibn Hajar al Asqalani mentioned in his book Tahdzib at Tahdzib, by some figures Syu'bah said to be better in structuring and codifying the traditions, then he was compared with Sufyan ats Tsauri, regarding his more established history in the traditions related to Islamic law. One of the arguments that is felt right about the comparison of Syu'bah and Sufyan ats Tsauri is as stated by Muhammad ibn al ‘Abbas an Nasai,
"I asked Abu‘ Abdillah (one of his teachers, ed.) About who better understands the hadith between Syu'bah and Sufyan ats Tsauri. He answered: "Sufyan is a person who has hafizh and righteousness, while Syu'bah is more understanding and cleaner than Sufyan. He heard (hadith) the law ten years earlier than Sufyan ats Tsauri. "Thus is more or less Ibn Hajar al Asqalani.
In the end, Sufyan ats Tsauri also mentioned in his testimony known by the reviewers of hadith: "Syu'bah is 'amirul mu'minin fi al hadith'".
That sentence is not without reason. It was stated that initially Syu'bah had an interest in poetry. But when he found out that a pious and fiqh expert, named al Hakam ibn Utaibah, collected the hadith and narrated it, his inclination towards the hadith increased. The figure who has chewed Abu Bustham was involved in the development and improvement of hadith studies. The advantage it has is the ability to make a more coherent systematics in the study, that's why it was dubbed amirul mu'minin fi al hadith.
Borrowing a term from some scholars about the conception of madaarus sanad (the center of many sanad, ed.) Or the theory said by Juynboll, an orientalist from the Netherlands, about the common link in the path of narration of hadith. Indeed, in reality, many traditions are narrated by a certain level of time, centered on several people, one of whom is Syu'bah.
Quite a prominent Hadith, once again, narrated by Syu'bah is a hadith about the lying of the prophet, which was considered by medieval clerics to be a worrying tradition.
Various studies and controversies regarding this hadith, its sanad aspects, the meaning of its meaning, have emerged and become a paradox in itself, said Juynboll. Apart from that, Syu'bah has gained an interesting important position in his position as a figure who is a reference for the study of hadith, especially in narration and rijaalul hadith.
The only way to detect things related to figures, of course, through a historical approach. In a broader sense, history can be in the form of narratives told the stories of people at that time, or perhaps through the tracking of authentic evidence.
Likewise with the person Syu'bah. Biographically, it seems that the stories relating to this character are not enough we can meet, or maybe it is indeed necessary to compile a history of various literatures in order to be able to illustrate how this figure of Syu'bah is. One of the works that attempts to gather about the personality of a Syu'bah ibn al Hajjaj is the Hikayat Syu'bah ibn al Hajjaj compiled by Abdullah ibn Muhammad al Baghawi in the 3-4th century Hijriyah.
Little can be conveyed from the work is that Syu'bah greatly influenced the culture of the study of hadith in the Basrah area, then it was noted that he also visited Baghdad. Imam Shafi'i commented that the Iraqis were more familiar with the hadith since the arrival of the Syu'bah. In addition, it was also mentioned that Syu'bah was the most authoritative person in the hadith issue at that time in his area.
A figure from the Middle East, named Ahmad Farid, authored a book called Min a'laamis salaf which has been translated into Indonesian titled Biography 60 Ulama Ahlussunnah. One of which he loaded was a description of the Shu'bah, he mentioned his physical features who were emaciated because of his frequent worship, one of which was chronic fasting. As a great scholar, capacity in zahudan, wara ', qana'ah, then of course he has his own standard in the pious maqamat, even Syu'bah is said to be among those who are inadequate.
Apart from that, the great interest in hadith led Syu'bah to become a figure who has a transcendence not only in worship, but also in science. No wonder if medieval scholars praised him as a leader, the vanguard in the study of hadith.
Syu'bah has noble degrees because of science and charity. People in good faith will be able to follow in his footsteps, hopefully.
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Syu'bah: Hadith narrators "Hell for those who lie in the name of the Prophet" |
He was born in 83 AH, then grew up in his city, and at one time visited Basrah. Sometimes a visit can change someone's perception, so that is the beginning of Syu'bah's interest in the study of hadith.
Critics of hadith, especially in the study of rijaalul hadith, mention many testimonies about the virtues of Syu'bah ibn al Hajjaj regarding their expertise and wisdom, especially in the field of hadith, of course. Ibn Hajar al Asqalani mentioned in his book Tahdzib at Tahdzib, by some figures Syu'bah said to be better in structuring and codifying the traditions, then he was compared with Sufyan ats Tsauri, regarding his more established history in the traditions related to Islamic law. One of the arguments that is felt right about the comparison of Syu'bah and Sufyan ats Tsauri is as stated by Muhammad ibn al ‘Abbas an Nasai,
"I asked Abu‘ Abdillah (one of his teachers, ed.) About who better understands the hadith between Syu'bah and Sufyan ats Tsauri. He answered: "Sufyan is a person who has hafizh and righteousness, while Syu'bah is more understanding and cleaner than Sufyan. He heard (hadith) the law ten years earlier than Sufyan ats Tsauri. "Thus is more or less Ibn Hajar al Asqalani.
Commander of the Faithful in Hadith
In the end, Sufyan ats Tsauri also mentioned in his testimony known by the reviewers of hadith: "Syu'bah is 'amirul mu'minin fi al hadith'".
That sentence is not without reason. It was stated that initially Syu'bah had an interest in poetry. But when he found out that a pious and fiqh expert, named al Hakam ibn Utaibah, collected the hadith and narrated it, his inclination towards the hadith increased. The figure who has chewed Abu Bustham was involved in the development and improvement of hadith studies. The advantage it has is the ability to make a more coherent systematics in the study, that's why it was dubbed amirul mu'minin fi al hadith.
Borrowing a term from some scholars about the conception of madaarus sanad (the center of many sanad, ed.) Or the theory said by Juynboll, an orientalist from the Netherlands, about the common link in the path of narration of hadith. Indeed, in reality, many traditions are narrated by a certain level of time, centered on several people, one of whom is Syu'bah.
Quite a prominent Hadith, once again, narrated by Syu'bah is a hadith about the lying of the prophet, which was considered by medieval clerics to be a worrying tradition.
"من كذّب عليّ متعمدا فليتبوأ مقعده من النار"
Personality Syu'bah
The only way to detect things related to figures, of course, through a historical approach. In a broader sense, history can be in the form of narratives told the stories of people at that time, or perhaps through the tracking of authentic evidence.
Likewise with the person Syu'bah. Biographically, it seems that the stories relating to this character are not enough we can meet, or maybe it is indeed necessary to compile a history of various literatures in order to be able to illustrate how this figure of Syu'bah is. One of the works that attempts to gather about the personality of a Syu'bah ibn al Hajjaj is the Hikayat Syu'bah ibn al Hajjaj compiled by Abdullah ibn Muhammad al Baghawi in the 3-4th century Hijriyah.
Little can be conveyed from the work is that Syu'bah greatly influenced the culture of the study of hadith in the Basrah area, then it was noted that he also visited Baghdad. Imam Shafi'i commented that the Iraqis were more familiar with the hadith since the arrival of the Syu'bah. In addition, it was also mentioned that Syu'bah was the most authoritative person in the hadith issue at that time in his area.
A figure from the Middle East, named Ahmad Farid, authored a book called Min a'laamis salaf which has been translated into Indonesian titled Biography 60 Ulama Ahlussunnah. One of which he loaded was a description of the Shu'bah, he mentioned his physical features who were emaciated because of his frequent worship, one of which was chronic fasting. As a great scholar, capacity in zahudan, wara ', qana'ah, then of course he has his own standard in the pious maqamat, even Syu'bah is said to be among those who are inadequate.
Apart from that, the great interest in hadith led Syu'bah to become a figure who has a transcendence not only in worship, but also in science. No wonder if medieval scholars praised him as a leader, the vanguard in the study of hadith.
Syu'bah has noble degrees because of science and charity. People in good faith will be able to follow in his footsteps, hopefully.
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